Why choose Prudential?
Why should you choose Prudential Utah Real Estate over another company in the Park City area?
Reputation - For more than 120 years Prudential has developed a Rock Solid™ reputation for building and preserving individual security.
Local Market Presence - In the Park City area, Prudential Utah Real Estate accounted for over 43% of all sales activity for single family homes while the nearest competitor accounted for less than 19%. We view numbers such as sales results as nothing more than a reflection of our commitment to serve our clients.
Global Customer Base - More than 50 million people do business with Prudential - that's one out of every five households.
Exposure - Prudential spends more than $90 million annually on brand advertising.
Recognition - With so much exposure it's no wonder that 98% of consumers nationwide recognize the Prudential name.
Network Strength - There are 1,600 Prudential Real Estate member offices in North America with more than 41,000 real estate agents. This vast network gets home sellers immediate exposure and home buyers instant access to trusted and trained professionals.
High Standards - Not every company is invited to join Prudential Real Estate. It’s actually a highly selective process, and only those companies that measure up to Prudential Real Estate’s demanding criteria may become part of the network.
We can say it, but our numbers truly prove that Prudential Utah Real Estate combines the best agents, the most creative marketing and the highest brand recognition.